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The Poor Man’s Nootropic Stack

If you’re a college student or fresh graduate, you’re probably on a limited budget and don’t have a lot of money to spend on nootropics. However, your mental performance shouldn’t suffer just because you’re tight on cash.

In fact, with long nights studying and stressful exams, you could probably use a boost more than most people. Make no mistake, nootropics can get expensive, but like anything else, there’s a smart way to make your money work. You can build your own nootropic stacks that rival expensive blends for pennies on the dollar if you play your cards right.

Introducing: The Poor Man’s Nootropic Stack!

This stack is made up of essential nootropics that should serve as a baseline for anyone looking to save money on nootropics. In addition to being inexpensive, these are also very effective.

This stack includes nootropics that:

Limited funds? Don't sacrifice your brain power, try out the Poor Man's Nootropic stack!

Limited funds? Don’t sacrifice your brain power, try out the Poor Man’s Nootropic stack!

  1. Have a broad base of effects and lasting impact. These are considered the basics and a good foundation for any stack.
  2. Synergize with other nootropics included in the stack. These all work well together and, in some cases, will provide an added benefit over taking them individually.
  3. Are inexpensive. Since they’re the essentials, most are available in bulk powders or in other inexpensive forms that will allow you to stock up without breaking the bank.

Piracetam – Because it’s one of the oldest and most widely studied nootropics, piracetam is the superstar of the budget stack. Piracetam offers benefits for memory, learning, focus, concentration and mental performance in general. Bulk orders of piracetam can make it an extremely cost-effective supplement.

Caffeine – Caffeine has been used for ages by anyone trying to burn some midnight oil. What most people don’t know is that when used strategically, caffeine offers fantastic nootropic benefits. By consuming measured doses over time, caffeine can keep your mental energy levels steady and improve your focus. It’s also inexpensive. Bulk powder is available online, but if you want to go really cheap, you can consume coffee or other caffeinated beverages throughout the day in measured doses.

L-theanine – Providing anti-anxiety effects, l-theanine can be effective at helping you relax and focus. However, where it benefits you the most is when l-theanine is paired with caffeine. The two

Tea is a common source of theanine

Tea is a common source of theanine

have fantastic synergy that provides you with a calm, focused energy without caffeine jitters. This combination is already present at low levels in many teas; you’re just taking it up a notch to get the full effect.

CDP Choline – Choline is considered brain fuel. It keeps the furnace burning throughout the day and keeps you thinking sharp. Choline is another nootropic that offers synergistic benefits. Since piracetam increases choline uptake, adding a choline supplement can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your piracetam.

Noopept – Similar to piracetam, noopept is in the “racetam” family of nootropics. It offers the same benefits of improvements in memory, learning and mental performance. However, noopept powder is 1000x more potent than piracetam, so a much lower dose is required. Because of this, noopept makes a great addition to the Poor Man’s Nootropic stack with doses around $0.02 when purchased in bulk sizes.

Fish Oil – While not technically considered a nootropic, fish oil contains EPA and DHA which offer many neuroprotective benefits. In some cases fish oil has even been used to effectively deal with mood disorders.

That’s it! These are all you need to get smarter on a budget. Sure, it’s called the Poor Man’s Stack, but this could also be considered the “Smart Man’s Stack”. Why spend the money if you don’t have to? The nootropics listed here are enough to benefit anyone looking for a mental edge, no matter the budget!