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Noopept vs Pramiracetam


The nootropics noopept and piracetam are two popular cognitive enhancers available on the market today. Both supplements are safe for consumption and are available in many countries.

Pramiracetam is a nootropic derived from piracetam and is considered to be more potent[1]. Noopept is a peptide-derived nootropic that is closely related to the racetam family.

Let’s go into a little detail on both of these supplements.

What is noopept?

This cognitive enhancer is said to be stronger than piracetam and thus much more potent (10-30mg of noopept vs. 2-4g of piracetam). This nootropic is a very popular memory supplement and is categorized as a neuroprotectant and psychostimulant[2].

How does noopept work?

Noopept ‘s mechanism of action is similar to the that of the racetam family. Despite noopept not technically being categorized as a recetam, its mechanism of action still entails stimulating the acetylcholine system as well as dopamine receptor sites. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter responsible for learning, so boosting the amount and duration of exposure is obviously a major plus. Furthermore, noopept also stimulates certain serotonin receptors which contributes to its mood boosting qualities[3].

Benefits of noopept

Noopept comes with many benefits:

• Increase in attention and memory
• Improvement in reflexes and perception
• Enhancement in logical thinking
• Boost in mood

The recommended dosage for noopept is 10-30mg taken daily. Noopept effects vary from person to person and some noticeable side effects include headache, insomnia, and fatigue. Since noopept is extremely potent, dosage should be strictly adhered to.

What is pramiracetam?

Pramiracetam is a nootropic that belongs to the racetam family and has been in use since the early 1980s. It shows potential in cognitive enhancement and is used to help alleviate symptoms of cognitive diseases [4].

Pramiracetam How does it Work?

Like its compatriots in the racetam family, pramiracetam works by increasing the uptake of choline in the brain thereby aiding in the efficient functioning of the acetylcholine system. This efficiency contributes greatly to memory formation and general cognition[5]. Such a mechanism of action has made pramiracetam one of the favorites among the cognitive enhancer supplements.

Pramiracetam Benefits

The most recognized benefits of pramiracetam include:
• Enhancement in mood
• Increase in long and short-term memory formation
• Increase in blood flow in the brain
Neuroprotective qualities
• Decreases the influence of amnesiac drugs

Pramiracetam Dosage

Pramiracetam is considered one of the strongest racetams; the recommended dosage is 250mg per day[6]. More experienced users of pramiracetam can take up to 400mg to 500mg twice daily. Due to the bitter taste that pramiracetam powder has, many users opt to purchase pramiracetam capsules instead (or flavors can be used to mask the taste as well). Be sure not to take pramiracetam sublingually as it may cause chemical burns.

Noopept vs Pramiracetam

Noopept and pramiracetam have also been used together in a nootropic stack and users claim that the emotionally dulling effect of pramiracetam counters the irritability effect of noopept. [7].

Both supplements are among the list of the strongest (produces the most noticeable effect) nootropics. For first-time users, increased mental clarity and enhanced cognition are noticeable[8].

If you haven’t taken these nootropics before, start with one at a time so you can experience their benefits in isolation. Then, if you decide to stack them you will have a higher chance of comprehending any synergistic effects of the stack.

As to the question of noopept vs pramiracetam and which among the two is the better nootropic, there isn’t always a definite answer. It would really depend for what you are aiming. One thing is for sure: these two supplements are among the strongest and should be handled with care. One deciding factor could be the methods of administration (see below).

I personally prefer noopept as it requires a much smaller dosage, so I don’t need to order very much at a time. Pramiracetam tends to make me too serious and limits my creativity.

Differences In Administration

Noopept’s cognitive enhancing effects are also more pronounces when taken sublingually, usually with a microscoop placed under the tongue. This usually isn’t done with pramiracetam since it can be caustic if kept in contact with areas under the tongue. Due to pramiracetam’s lack of dosage administration choices, you are forced to wait longer due to regular oral administration.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pramiracetam
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2011259
3. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ddr.430030503/abstract
4. http://www.braintropic.com/racetam-comparison/
5. http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/60676-pramiracetam-noopept-exam-log/
6. http://www.whatarenootropics.com/what-best-racetam-nootropic/